Staff Members

Long Beach School District Federal Programs

8 months ago

What is Title I?

Title I is a part of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) which provides financial assistance to local educational agencies and schools with high numbers or high percentages of children from low-income families to help ensure that all children meet challenging state academic standards. More information regarding Title I can be found in the link below.

Title I Information for Parents

Goals of Federal Programs
  • All Students Proficient and Showing Growth in All Assessed Areas
  • Every Student Graduates High School and is Ready for College and Career
  • Every Child Has Access to a High-Quality Early Childhood Program
  • Every School Has Effective Teachers and Leaders

Schoolwide Programs

Schools with more than forty percent of students receiving free and reduced-price lunches are eligible to become schoolwide programs. School-wide schools use Title I funds to enhance the educational program for all students attending the school.  The administration and staff of a school-wide program develop a plan based on identified needs within the school.  The Title I school plan includes research-based practices for improving student achievement for all students.

District and Schoolwide Plans

Parent / Community Feedback and Suggestions
Parent Involvement and participation are an integral part of the Federal Programs planning process in the Long Beach School District.  All Title I schools are required to spend part of their federal funds to support parent activities to improve academic achievement.  Your suggestions and participation are important to our program development and decision-making process. If you have suggestions or feedback, please submit your input using the form below. 

LBSD Parent Involvement Policy

Annual Report Cards

The Mississippi Department of Education and the Long Beach School District will disseminate to parents, schools, and the public an annual report card with aggregate information, including student achievement (disaggregated by category) and graduation rates.

Long Beach School District Report Card

Testing Transparency

Parents and students may requrest information regarding any state or LEA policy on student participation in reuired assessments.  Information regarding state assessments, including parental rights to opt-out, can be found at the link below and in Board Policy IIA.  If any additional information is needed, please contact Lori Price, Assistant Superintendent, or the building principal.

McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act
Kevin Allen, LMSW (228)-864-9737

Kevin Allen, LMSW

LBSD Social Worker
